HR BU Support Professional

CPF Food and Beverage Co., Ltd.
10 Jun 2024

Job Purpose

Operate the human resource system service work correctly. Quickly follow the steps of the human resource system in accordance with the laws and company regulations. to achieve effectiveness in accordance with the goals and make service recipients achieve the highest satisfaction

Job Description (Accountability)

 - Conduct recruiting and selection of personnel Undergraduate Employees to keep up with the needs of the business
 - Operate the employee database to be in accordance with the law
 - Operate a time record system and pay wages to be accurate, complete, on time and in accordance with the law
 - Carrying out various benefits and welfare matters in accordance with the Company's regulations
 - Conducting social security work and compensation fund to comply with the law
 - Carry out training arrangements in accordance with the plan and deliver the training accordingly Skill Development Promotion Act
 - Conduct evaluation and creating motivation for doing work
 - Implement the policy from the Human Resources Manager to support the work of the business
 - Develop work in human resource services Cooperate in bringing modern technology to help work efficiently.



Bachelor Degrees in Human Resource Development or Psychology


- 1+ years of experience or no experience required


  - Knowledge of human resource work processes
  - have knowledge and understanding about the company's rules and regulations
  - Knowledge of labor law and other laws related to the operation


  - Service skills
  - editing skills and analyze the problem
  - Communication skills

Key Performance Indicator